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Oops! The game isn't working properly/at all! What could I possibly do to fix it?


Important Note: If any of these solutions don't work properly/your problem or solution isn't shown, then please leave a comment down below and I will see if I can help you. Otherwise, email me at :)


Another Important Note: Each sentence in the 'Possible Solutions' paragraph are different solutions! The entire paragraph isn't one big solution, but a bunch of possible solutions.


Q: The game doesn't work at all.

Possible Solutions: Your PC is too slow (You're too slow!). You have followed the steps wrong. Your PC is too old. Wineskin is out of date/not compatible with your hardware.


Q: The game works but there is no sound.

Possible Solutions: You haven't applied the xact_jun2010.dll patch which is shown on the installation video/installation instructions. Your volume isn't on/too soft. You have selected the wrong output media device in your MAC's System Preferences. Your PC is too old to support Wineskin's/Sonic Mania's sound requirements.


Q: The sound works but the screen is black.

Possible Solutions: Your PC is not supported. Change your MAC's system resolution to see if that helps. Your PC might be too old.


Q: When I select the fullscreen mode, the game crashes/quits.

Possible Solutions: You haven't changed the Screen Options in the game's Wineskin Settings, so please re-watch the installation video from 9:35 - 9:46 and see if that helps.


Q: The game runs very slowly/below 60fps.

Possible Solutions: Your PC's graphics might be failing. Your PC is too slow/old. Try changing the game's resolution in Sonic Mania's Settings. Turn Full-Screen mode off.


Q: The Mods don't work properly/at all.

Possible Solutions: Your computer doesn't support Mods. Try all of the Mods installation steps from the start. You didn't use Mania Mod Studio properly. Your Mod doesn't support it.



If any new problems show up for you/or I haven't fixed your issue yet, then please let me know in the comments below, OR email me at Thanks! :)


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